
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Photos in Order

Remember that list I posted a few weeks back? Well one of my areas that I wanted to concentrate on was my organization. I am happy to say I've STARTed! One of the things that I have been wanting to organize for a long time are my photos. Anyone who know me, knows that I LOVE my photos, and I take a ton of them. I have so many photos (upwards of 7,500) on my computer I really started noticing it lagging in everyday usage. Not to mention the  countless CDs burnt with photos,  I asked for an external hard drive for Christmas (you know you are getting old when you are asking for such items) and my sister Jess and Brother-in-love gave me this amazing external! It has ONE tiara bite of storage, even for a photo enthusiast, that is a lot of room.
My biggest challenge came once I got the hard drive set up, how I was going to organize my photos within the external hard drive. This is what I came up with...
I decided to organize the photos by themes with folders that correspond to; Christmas, Halloween, Birthdays, DIYs, parties, etc. with the main catchall folder being called "Our Life in Photos"
Within the themed folders, I have the folders that correspond with the year in which the photo took place. That applies to all folders with the "Our Life in Photos" getting sub folders within their year sub folders with Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring within each year.
I am going to run with that, and hopefully continue with the momentum that I have been having lately. How do you have your photos organized?

Happy Organizing!


I found that this process is extremely easy if you are using iPhoto. If you open iPhoto and click on the "info" icon at the bottom right of the screen, it will give you the date the photo was shot in the top right hand corner, then add to the corresponding folder!

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas on organizing.....Now with the frogs....yikes, you deserve koodos for keeping them....Learn on!!!
